What is a Psycho-Educational Assessment?

A psycho-educational assessment is completed to better understand your child’s learning profile. It allows parents, the school team, and the individual student to better understand their areas of strength as well as areas that needs support and further development.

A psycho-educational assessment typically involve

  • A clinical interview with Caregivers/Parents and Child

  • Review of School Records including past report cards

  • Standardized testing for a variety of skills including thinking and reasoning skills, academic skills, memory, language processing, attention and executive functioning skills

  • Parent & Teacher questionnaires

  • Following the testing, a parent meeting is scheduled where the results are shared

  • A written report (takes 4-6 weeks after the testing is completed)

If you are looking to better understand your child’s current challenges or have been asked by the school team to complete a psycho-educational assessment, look no further.

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